LEAF 2021

Prices and Supplies are subject to change without notice CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-262-763-4087 FAX 1-262-763-1920 HOW TO CHECK The Float Level 1. Start and warm up engine. 2. Run the engine at 3/4 power for two minutes. 3. Let engine idle back and cool down for one minute. 4. Shut off engine and fuel system. 5. Remove float bowl. 6. Remove the floats from the float bowl. 7. The fuel level should measure approximately 1/2” from the top edge of the float bowl. NOTE: Fuel level below 1/2” will cause a lean mixture. Fuel level above 1/2” will cause a rich mixture. 1. Needles with a “High Number Code” produce RICHER mixtures above half -throttle. Ex: 8L2 instead of 6L2 2. Needles with a “High Leatter Code” produce RICHER mixtures below HALF-THROTTLE. Ex: 6P2 instead of 6D2 3. The adjacent regions are also affected to a lessor extent. Jet Needle Needle Jet Main Jet Code Number for the Cone Diameter Code letter for the Cone Length Code number for other features 8L2 Float Bowl Fuel Level 1/2” Remove Floats 1- LEAN 2 3 4- RICH Temp ° F Temp ° C Height (ft)=0 1,640 3,281 4,921 6,562 8,202 9,842 11,483 13,123 -22 -30 1.04 1.03 1.01 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 -4 -20 1.03 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.92 14 -10 1.02 1.01 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.91 32 0 1.01 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.90 50 10 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 59 15 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.89 68 20 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.88 86 30 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.89 0.88 104 40 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.87 122 50 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.86 Technical Information For bing carburetor Adjusting the Bing Carburetor - The Bing Carburetor has a three stage system: Idle, Midrange and Top End. Idler Jets - From the moment the engine is started to approximately 1/4 throttle, the carburetor is running according to how the idle system is set up. As the idler jet number decreases, the mixture gets leaner as the number increases, the mixture gets richer. For instance, Idler Jet #45 has a leaner mixture than Idler Jet #50 The Air Regulating Screw must be set as stated in the Bing Jet Chart in order to insure smooth operation of the Idler Jet. This screw adjusts the air/fuel mixture at idle speeds and for smooth acceleration. Turning the screw in a clockwise direction creates a richer mixture while turning it counterclockwise creates a leaner mixture. To adjust this screw, gently turn in a clockwise direction until the screw bottoms out, then loosen the screw (in a counterclockwise direction) the number of turns as recommended in the Bing Jet Chart. (effective range 1/2 to 2-1/2 turns out). Use the carburetor piston Adjusting Screw to adjust the idle RPM. Turn this screw in a counterclockwise direction until the Carburetor Piston is in the lowest position. Then carefully turn the screw clockwise until it just engages the piston and then continue to turn it clockwise for 2 to 2-1/2 turns. This determines the idle RPM. of the engine and should be set at 2,000 RPM min. Needle Jets/Jet Needles - The Jet Needle has three or four grooves which the clip can be snapped onto. The grooves are 1, 2, 3, 4 with number 1 at the top position . When the clip is snapped onto the top position #1 of the needle, a leaner mixture is created than if it was mounted on the #2 groove. NOT: Jet Needle clip must always be under plastic spring cup. The Midrange System affects the carburetor for approximately 1/4 to 3/4 throttle. Once again, the lower the needle number of the Needle Jet, the leaner the mixture. Main Jet Conversion Chart - These recommendations are a result of continued research and testing which allow the Rotax ® engine to perform more efficiently and reliably throughout its power band. The Jet chart shows each engine and the stock caburetion setting at sea level. If you live other than at sea level or in a hotter climate, then you must refer to the Main Jet Conversion Chart to calibrate for altitude and temperature. Air density decreases with decreasing pressure and increasing temperature. If an engine is operated at higher elevation, the weight of the aspirated air decreases, where as the aspirated fuel quantity remains practically the same. This results in richer fuel/air mixture than the lower sea level. If the engine is operated in high altitude for a longer period, it is necessary to adjust the carburetor calibration to re-establish the original composition of the fuel/air mixture. With increasing altitude (lower air pressure), the oxygen quantity injested by the engine decreases. The consequent loss in performance cannot be compensated for by different carburetor settings. To adjust the carburetor, in general, a different main jet size is sufficient. Only in very particular cases does a different needle jet and/or different idle jet have to be installed. Example: If a Rotax ® 503 single carb engine set up for sea level is shipped to Colorado Springs, Colorado, (approximate elevation 6,500 feet), the main jet would have to be changed. The carburetor would have a main jet of 180 at sea level. By using the conversion chart, going to the approximate altitude of 6,500 feet and using the temperature of 32 degrees, you can see we have a multiplier of .95 and come up with a recommended jet of 171. This main jet will produce the same composition of air/fuel mixture that the 180 main jet would at sea level. TUNING BING CARBURETORS Recommended Jetting for Rotax ® Engines This jetting chart is for sea level setting. If you are located 1000’ or above sea level - refer to the Main Jet Conversion Chart. Jetting is selected for the engine to provide an overlap in jetting giving you smoother acceleration. If jetting is leaned out through the ranges it will cause poor acceleration, high EGT’s, and stumbling of throttle response. Model Carburetor Intake Silencer Kit Main Jet Idler Jet Nee- dle Jet Jet Needle Position Air Screw Turns Out 277 Single Carb No 148 45 2.72 8L2 2 1 277 Single Carb Yes 140 45 2.72 8L2 2 1 377 Single Carb No 165 45 2.70 8O2 2 .5 377 Single Carb Yes 155 45 2.70 8O2 2 .5 447 Single Carb No 165 45 2.70 15K2 2 .5 447 Single Carb Yes 155 45 2.70 15K2 2 .5 503 Single Carb No 185 45 2.72 15K2 3 .5 503 Single Carb Yes 165 45 2.70 15K2 3 .5 503 Dual Carb No 158 45 2.70 11K2 2 .5 503 Dual Carb Yes 148 45 2.68 11K2 2 1 532 Single Carb No 195 55 2.74 15K2 3 1 532 Single Carb Yes 170 55 2.74 15K2 3 1 532/582 Dual Carb No 165 55 2.72 11G2 3 1 532/582 Dual Carb Yes 145 55 2.68 15K2 3 1 Main Jets Part No. 120 268 977 125 268 978 28 261 085 130 268 979 135 268 980 138 268 998 140 268 981 142 268 994 145 268 982 148 268 995 150 268 983 155 268 984 158 268 996 160 268 985 162 268 990 165 268 986 170 268 987 175 268 988 180 268 989 185 261 080 Main Jets Part No. 190 261 084 195 268 992 200 261 082 205 261 087 210 261 083 Idler Jets Part No. 30 963 141 35 963 143 40 963 142 45 963 144 50 963 140 55 963 147 60 963 145 65 963 146 Jet Needles 36 MM Part No. 8L2 963 714 6G1 261 642 9 M10J 961 047 11G2 961 043 Jet Needles 36 MM Part No. 11K2 961 044 15E5U 961 046 15K2 963 718 8H1 261 643 8O2 963 711 8G2 963 712 4E2 963 716 2H2 963 717 6H2 963 719 6P2 999 965 Needle Jets 36 MM Part No. 2.68 963 691 2.70 963 698 2.72 963 697 2.74 963 699 2.76 963 693 2.78 963 696 2.80 963 695 Page 62 HOW & WHY OF TUNING BING CARBURETORS Bing Carbs For Rotax ® 2-Stroke Engines These carbs do not come with jets. Jets to be purchased separate from chart below. Bing 36 mm Carburetor. With Manual Lever Choke Part # Carb MC, With Remote Cable Choke Part # Carb-RC most frequent JET calibration Idler Jet 103